Guild fullspeed racing team
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 About our team

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Guild Pirate
Guild Pirate

Broj postova : 49
Points : 80
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-07-01

About our team Empty
PostSubject: About our team   About our team EmptyWed Aug 08, 2012 7:10 pm

Guild is the most popular team on Balcan. Guild exists from the year 2006 when tmn came out. Leaders of guild are guild°spaceman and guild°mrkigrobar. We are a very nice and friendly team that is based on friendship and nice atmosphere open to new ideas.So feel free to ask whatever else you wan't to know about us cause we won't ignore you instead of it we will answer to your question in best way we can.
The most imortant 2 persons for guild are mrkigrobar and spaceman cause they are the formers of the Guild team.
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